How Long Are Yorkie Dogs Pregnant: Duration, Stages & Care
Preparing for a litter of Yorkie puppies is thrilling but requires understanding Yorkie pregnancy for the health of the mother and pups.
This guide covers everything from conception to birth, including post-pregnancy care.
Yorkies have unique pregnancy needs and challenges, and as a responsible pet owner, knowledge of these will ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
We’ll discuss Yorkie pregnancy duration, stages, detection, care, potential risks, and essential post-care, enabling you to support your Yorkie effectively through her pregnancy.
Key takeaways
The typical pregnancy duration for Yorkie dogs is around 58 to 68 days.
An average Yorkie litter size is usually between 3 to 5 puppies.
Recognizing early signs of Yorkie pregnancy includes changes in behavior, appetite, and physical appearance.
Ultrasound and hormone testing are reliable methods for confirming Yorkie pregnancy.
A balanced diet and regular check-ups are critical for the health of the pregnant Yorkie.
Close monitoring is necessary during delivery due to potential complications.
Post-pregnancy care for both mother and puppies is essential for their wellbeing.
How Long Are Yorkies Pregnant?
Average pregnancy duration
Yorkies, like most dogs, have an average pregnancy duration of 58 to 65 days, with 63 days being the most common length. This relatively short gestation period might seem surprising, but it is quite typical for small dog breeds.
Keep in mind that these are just general guidelines, and individual pregnancies can vary depending on several factors.
Factors affecting pregnancy length
Various factors can influence the length of a Yorkie’s pregnancy, such as the mother’s age, health, and genetics. Environmental factors, stress levels, and the size of the litter can also play a role in determining the pregnancy duration.
It’s essential to closely monitor your pregnant Yorkie and maintain regular veterinary checkups to ensure a healthy pregnancy, regardless of the length.
Signs to determine the stage of pregnancy
Determining the stage of your Yorkie’s pregnancy can be a bit challenging, as the physical changes might not be apparent until later in the process. However, there are some subtle signs you can look out for, such as changes in appetite, mood, or energy levels.
As the pregnancy progresses, more noticeable signs like weight gain, enlarged nipples, and nesting behavior can help you gauge how far along your Yorkie is in her pregnancy.
Regular veterinary check-ups and ultrasound scans can provide a more accurate assessment of the pregnancy stage and ensure everything is progressing as it should.
Stages of Yorkie Pregnancy
Week 1-3: Fertilization and early development
During the first three weeks of pregnancy, the fertilized eggs travel through the fallopian tubes and enter the uterus. At this stage, the embryos are still tiny and not yet visible on an ultrasound.
Your Yorkie may not show any physical signs of pregnancy, but you might notice subtle behavioral changes such as decreased appetite or a more affectionate demeanor.
Week 4-6: Embryonic stage and physical changes
Between weeks 4 and 6, the embryos implant themselves in the uterine lining, and their development accelerates. This is also when the organs start forming, and the puppies begin to take shape.
At this stage, your Yorkie’s belly may start to expand, and her nipples may become more prominent. You may also observe changes in appetite, with your Yorkie eating more than usual or showing signs of morning sickness.
An ultrasound during this period can help confirm the pregnancy and give you a better idea of the litter size.
Week 7-9: Fetal growth and preparations for birth
In the final weeks of pregnancy, the puppies continue to grow and develop, and their skeletons begin to calcify. Your Yorkie’s belly will become noticeably larger, and you may even feel the puppies moving inside.
During this stage, it’s crucial to provide your Yorkie with proper nutrition, as the puppies’ growth puts increasing demands on her body.
Preparations for labor should also begin, including setting up a comfortable whelping box and keeping a close eye on your Yorkie for signs of labor, such as restlessness, panting, or nesting behavior.

Detecting Yorkie Pregnancy
1. Physical signs and symptoms
While it may be challenging to detect a Yorkie’s pregnancy in the early stages, several physical signs and symptoms can help you determine if your Yorkie is expecting. These may include:
- Change in appetite: An increase or decrease in appetite could be an early sign of pregnancy.
- Weight gain: As the pregnancy progresses, your Yorkie will start gaining weight due to the growing puppies.
- Enlarged nipples: The nipples may become larger and more prominent as the body prepares for nursing.
- Swollen abdomen: Your Yorkie’s belly will become visibly bigger during the later stages of pregnancy.
- Behavioral changes: Pregnant Yorkies may become more affectionate, tired, or exhibit nesting behaviors.
2. Veterinary confirmation
To confirm your Yorkie’s pregnancy, it’s essential to consult with a veterinarian who can perform various diagnostic tests. These tests can also help determine the stage of pregnancy and monitor the health of the mother and puppies. Some common veterinary tests include:
- Palpation: A veterinarian can gently feel your Yorkie’s abdomen to detect the presence of puppies. This method is typically effective between days 28 and 35 of the pregnancy.
- Ultrasound: An ultrasound can provide a visual confirmation of the pregnancy and help estimate the litter size. It can usually detect puppies as early as 25 days into the pregnancy.
- X-rays: X-rays can help determine the number of puppies and their skeletal development. This method is most effective after day 45 of the pregnancy when the puppies’ bones have calcified.
- Hormone testing: Blood tests that measure the levels of the hormone relaxin can confirm pregnancy. This hormone is only present during pregnancy, and the test can be performed as early as 22 days after conception.
Caring for Your Pregnant Yorkie
Nutrition and diet adjustments
Proper nutrition is crucial for the health of your pregnant Yorkie and her developing puppies. During the early stages of pregnancy, you may need to slightly increase her caloric intake.
As the pregnancy progresses, consider switching to a high-quality, nutrient-dense diet designed specifically for pregnant or nursing dogs. This will ensure that your Yorkie receives the necessary nutrients and calories to support her growing puppies.
Consult your veterinarian for personalized recommendations on diet adjustments.
Exercise and activity levels
While exercise is essential for a healthy Yorkie, you should adjust her activity levels during pregnancy. Avoid overly strenuous activities, and opt for gentle, regular exercise, such as short walks or play sessions.
Make sure not to overexert your pregnant Yorkie, as this could lead to complications. Always monitor her closely during exercise, and adapt her routine as needed, especially during the later stages of pregnancy.
Grooming and hygiene
Maintaining good hygiene is important during your Yorkie’s pregnancy to prevent infections and ensure her comfort. Regular grooming, including brushing and bathing, will keep her coat clean and free of tangles.
Pay special attention to the area around her nipples, as matting can make nursing difficult once the puppies are born. It’s also a good idea to trim the hair around her rear end to facilitate a cleaner birthing process.
Preparing for labor and delivery
As your Yorkie’s due date approaches, it’s essential to prepare for the arrival of the puppies. Set up a comfortable and quiet whelping box where your Yorkie can give birth and care for her puppies.
Make sure the box is easily accessible and located in a warm, draft-free area. Start introducing your Yorkie to the whelping box a few weeks before her due date to help her become familiar with it.
Additionally, keep a close eye on your Yorkie for signs of labor, such as restlessness, panting, or nesting behavior. Having a plan in place and being prepared for any emergencies is crucial for a smooth and successful delivery.
Potential Complications and Risks
Dystocia refers to difficulties during labor and delivery. In Yorkies, this can occur due to the size of the puppies relative to the mother’s pelvic canal, weak uterine contractions, or incorrect positioning of the puppies.
If you suspect your Yorkie is experiencing dystocia, contact your veterinarian immediately, as this can be a life-threatening situation for both the mother and the puppies.
Infections can pose a risk to your pregnant Yorkie and her developing puppies. Maintaining proper hygiene during pregnancy and ensuring a clean environment for the delivery can help minimize the risk of infections. If you notice any signs of infection, such as discharge, fever, or lethargy, consult your veterinarian right away.
Eclampsia, or milk fever, is a potentially dangerous condition that can affect nursing Yorkie mothers. It occurs when there’s a severe drop in blood calcium levels, often due to the demands of producing milk for the puppies.
Symptoms of eclampsia include muscle tremors, weakness, and even seizures. If you suspect your Yorkie is suffering from eclampsia, seek immediate veterinary assistance.
Although rare, miscarriages can occur in Yorkies during pregnancy. Causes can include infections, hormonal imbalances, or trauma. If you suspect your Yorkie has suffered a miscarriage, consult your veterinarian for guidance and to ensure her health and well-being.
When to seek veterinary assistance
It’s essential to closely monitor your pregnant Yorkie and maintain regular veterinary check-ups throughout her pregnancy. If you notice any unusual signs or symptoms, such as excessive vomiting, bloody discharge, difficulty breathing, or extreme lethargy, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Prompt attention to any potential issues can help ensure the health and safety of your Yorkie and her puppies.
Post-Pregnancy Care for Yorkie Mom and Puppies
Nursing and bonding
After the puppies are born, it’s essential to give the Yorkie mother and her newborns time to bond and establish a nursing routine. Ensure that the puppies are able to latch on and receive their mother’s nutrient-rich colostrum, which is crucial for their immune system development.
Keep an eye on the puppies to make sure they are all nursing regularly and monitor the mother for any signs of distress or discomfort.
Monitoring the mother’s health
Post-pregnancy care for your Yorkie is just as important as care during pregnancy. Monitor her health closely, watching for any signs of infection, mastitis, or eclampsia. Ensure that she receives proper nutrition to support her body’s recovery and milk production.
It’s also essential to keep her environment clean and comfortable to promote her well-being and the health of the puppies. Schedule a veterinary checkup within a few days of delivery to ensure that the mother is recovering well and to address any potential concerns.
Ensuring proper growth and development of puppies
During the first few weeks of the puppies’ lives, closely monitor their growth and development. Regularly weigh the puppies to make sure they are gaining weight and thriving. Keep the whelping box clean and warm, and provide a draft-free environment to protect the puppies from getting chilled.
As the puppies grow and begin to explore their surroundings, ensure their safety by puppy-proofing the area.
Once the puppies reach 3 to 4 weeks of age, you can start the weaning process by gradually introducing them to moistened puppy food. This process will take several weeks and should be done under the guidance of your veterinarian.
Socialization is also crucial during the early stages of a puppy’s life, so expose them to various people, environments, and experiences to help them develop into well-rounded, confident dogs.
In consultation with your veterinarian, follow a vaccination and deworming schedule to protect the puppies from common diseases and parasites. This will help ensure their long-term health and well-being as they grow into adult Yorkies.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I breed my Yorkie during her first heat cycle?
It is not recommended to breed your Yorkie during her first heat cycle. It’s better to wait until she is at least 18 months to 2 years old before considering breeding, as this allows her to reach full physical and emotional maturity. Breeding a Yorkie too early can increase the risk of complications for both the mother and her puppies.
How many puppies can a Yorkie have in one litter?
The average litter size for Yorkies ranges from 3 to 5 puppies. However, this number can vary depending on factors such as the mother’s age, health, and genetics.
Litter sizes can range from as few as one puppy to as many as seven or more. An ultrasound or X-ray during pregnancy can provide a more accurate estimate of litter size.
How can I tell if my Yorkie is having a false pregnancy?
During a false pregnancy, or pseudopregnancy, a Yorkie may exhibit signs similar to those of a real pregnancy, such as weight gain, enlarged nipples, and nesting behavior.
If you suspect your Yorkie is experiencing a false pregnancy, consult your veterinarian, who can perform diagnostic tests to determine whether or not she is genuinely pregnant.
When is it safe to spay my Yorkie after giving birth?
It is generally safe to spay your Yorkie 6-8 weeks after the puppies have been weaned. This allows the mother’s body sufficient time to recover from pregnancy and nursing. Consult your veterinarian for personalized guidance on the best time to spay your Yorkie.
How can I ensure the health and safety of the puppies during the weaning process?
To ensure the health and safety of the puppies during the weaning process, gradually introduce them to moistened puppy food starting around 3 to 4 weeks of age. Monitor their progress and consult your veterinarian for guidance on proper feeding practices.
Ensure that the puppies have a clean, warm, and safe environment during this transition period.
Can I breed my Yorkie with another breed of dog?
Yes, you can breed your Yorkie with another breed of dog, resulting in mixed-breed puppies. However, it’s crucial to carefully consider the health, size, and temperament of the other breed, as well as any potential complications that may arise from the pairing.
Responsible breeding practices prioritize the well-being of both the parents and the puppies, so consult your veterinarian for guidance and advice.
How long should I wait between Yorkie pregnancies for the health of the mother?
It’s generally advised to wait at least 12-18 months between pregnancies to give the mother’s body sufficient time to recover. This helps maintain the health and well-being of the mother, as well as reduce the risk of complications for future pregnancies.
Consult your veterinarian for personalized advice on responsible breeding practices.
Final Thoughts
Understanding and preparing for your Yorkie’s pregnancy is an essential aspect of responsible pet ownership. By educating yourself on the duration, stages, and care required during this process, you can ensure the health and well-being of both the mother and her puppies.
Remember to closely monitor your Yorkie throughout her pregnancy, maintain regular veterinary checkups, and provide proper post-pregnancy care to help her recover.
With proper care and attention, you can be well-prepared for the arrival of a litter of adorable Yorkie puppies, and you can enjoy the rewarding experience of watching them grow and develop into healthy, happy dogs.
Always consult your veterinarian for personalized guidance and support throughout your Yorkie’s pregnancy journey, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or questions.
Your dedication to your Yorkie’s well-being will contribute to a successful pregnancy and a thriving new generation of furry family members.